Juha Ranch Started as a Dream

The Early Days
For most of his life, Harry wanted to ranch. Raising animals was something he did growing up and he loved it. Besides horses, he had pigs, ducks, chickens, pigeons, rabbits, dogs, and a hamster.
For many years Harry and Judi both read about ranching, focusing on grazing methods and animal nutrition. One topic of interest was centered on the best breeds of livestock.
After years of hard work earning and banking dollars, we were in a position to start looking for our ranch.
The Later Days
While on a trip to Texas in 1996, we were directed to a 400-acre plot that was for sale. We looked it over, liked it, and bought it! The deal was made under a shade tree sitting at a picnic table with the seller coming from Dallas, who ‘just happened’ to show up in Barry while we were looking for a place. It was meant to be!
Looking back it was a good decision and now we’re definitely in it for the long haul. We have grown to own 850 acres.
Our Ranchers

Judi Glasgow
Judi was a city girl growing up in Iowa but always gravitated to her country friends. She enjoyed visiting their farms – dairy farms and pig farms – and helped with chores whenever she could. Summers were spent on those farms for weeks at a time. Being close to nature was important to her and whenever she could do it, she was outside taking it in. So when ‘Harry met Judi’ the idea of living on a ranch became her dream too.
Harry Butaud
Harry grew up in the city in southern Louisiana but had opportunities that country boys have! He had horses — on the race track and for hunting, plus cattle, dogs, pigs, pigeons, and rabbits. He learned a lot about all of it from his father Harry Sr. When he wasn’t working for a living, he volunteered with local ranchers and farmers to help out and to learn more. That background lead to reading and talking and exploring the possibility of someday owning a ranch and living out his dream. When the time came to make it happen, he was more than ready.

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